Demon’s Crest – Page 07
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It seems that whatever is affecting Nyanta is doing the same to Kagetora’s mind! What will happen to our heroes?!
It’s one of the comic/doujin ideas that Lionxie and I have about rule 34 characters but who knows how many can become a real thing. Maybe if we get some help with the money required from interested people in seeing stuff like this~
Thanks for ofuro for showing how such a crazy idea would look like and for my friend “J” for helping a lot with the translation of script for Ofuro-san!
‘R-18’, ‘漫画’, ‘ケモノ’, ‘ofuro’, ‘ポップンミュージック’, ‘ブレイブルー’, ‘ログ・ホライズン’, ‘影虎’, ‘獣兵衛’, ‘にゃん太’