


> <用我的账号发布的原因是因为我想帮忙推广一下他的作品,当然,是经过本人授权的行为。 这是他的主页链接: 此外,这里还提供一次无偿的约稿服务,如果你对他的作画风格有兴趣请私信或者评论告诉我。 内容最好是关于原神系列的。正常向,R18向都行。 题外话:我开始有点讨厌用推特了,以后还是把原图挂这里,如果事后官方提醒我要打码的话再私信吧。 I want to help my friend harimapuri-san, if you are interested in his work, please let me know. I can offer one free request from him. If you would like to have one, send me a message then ^ ^ more sample of his works here: About the content, It's better to be Genshin Impact. By the way, about myself, I am no longer take new requests anymore. Sorry about it, but I just don't have time.:(

‘R-18’, ‘原神’, ‘GenshinImpact’, ‘刻晴’, ‘刻晴(原神)’, ‘keqing’