The Male Organ Seller

The Male Organ Seller
The Amazon Market has many special things to buy, with precious and rare objects that are found and out on sale, and also objects imported from all over the world.

Many women like to sell what they gather from battle, that could go anywhere from Loot, to Herbs, to even body parts.

This woman in particular is selling Male Genitals, not rare in the Amazon Kingdom, but they are on the top of the sale list.

Some tend to use them for special reasons, some like to collect, and to some they are considered a delicacy. Many Amazons use them as literal food, or as ingredients to bring taste to the food, they are considered a fine delicacy in the Amazon Kingdom, definitely considered one of the specials of the house.

‘R-18’, ‘Hentai’, ‘Boobs’, ‘Ryona’, ‘Castrated’, ‘Castration’, ‘Balls’, ‘Femdom’, ‘Ballbusting’, ‘Warrior’


