Dressing Pretty

Dressing Pretty
Commission by Shadow2007x (

anboy is my Self Insert Character, He gets up to so much from fucking and getting fucked by all his favourite Cartoon Characters to his Boss, Shadow, who loves to dress him up and use his dumb Sissy Secretary~

Name: Fanboy

Age: 23

Hight: 5′ 8″

Likes: Latex, Erotica, Masks, Making People Happy

Dislikes: Brussel Sprouts, Depression, Crusts On Bread

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Hello All, this is me, Fanboy, the one behind everything 😉 I’m a chilled out person looking to make the world better in the only way I can, through the power of Erotica~ You see a long time ago it saved me from my darkest days, I hope to help many people as I can, so if you ever feel down and need a digital sholder to lean on, I will be here, if you want to discuss Erotic Content, whether you feel like you feel like you can’t express it to others because you will be judged or that it’s something “weird”, I will always be here to support you, I myself know the feeling of being pushed away and being alone because of being different, I still suffer to this day from the Anxiety and Depression that comes along with it, but my advice is, BE YOURSELF, it took me a long time to realise that’s the way to be happy, as you can see this page is full of twisted and perverted beautiful artworks from around the world, I hope to keep entertaining you all with the stuff I get~

Anyway if you have any questions I’ll be happy to answer~ <3 Fanboy © Sin Aprodisia All Characters Are 18+ Uncensored: ,
‘R-18’, ‘OC’, ‘Fanboy’, ‘男の娘’, ‘女装’


