DtS: Chapter 2B Main Enemies
1. Octoling:乗組員を柔らかくするために、これらの小さなバガーが送り込まれます。
5:乗組員:彼らは現在サイレンの魔法の下にあり、新しいマスターへの脅威である人々を攻撃してくすぐります。 2つのシーンを持つ別の戦い。
6. Octoknight:彼女は大西洋軍の4つのヘッドの1つであり、ボートの甲板への通路の邪魔をしています。彼女はヘザーを敵とは見ていませんが、ここまでやってきたので尊敬されている決闘の仲間です。
Finally had the time to finish up the enemies for 2B, so the scenes for them will be up next.
Starting off from the bottom left.
1. Octoling: These little buggers are sent in to soften up the crew as they suckle away at where ever they can.
2. Scylla: An assassin of the seas, she storms in to take down high priority targets. She is cruel as they come and will tickle anyone who winds up defenseless around her.
3. Mermaid and her pet jellyfish: The cavalry of the sea, they harness the electricity of their pets to deliver devastating attacks. This one will have two scenes along with some shocking tickles.
4: Clam Siren: Middle left: A clam that uses her shell’s tendons to create entrancing music to make others do her bidding.
5: Crew member: They are currently under the Siren’s spell and will attack and tickle those who are a threat to their new master. Another fight that will have two scenes.
6. Octoknight: One of the four heads of the Alantic army, she stands in the way of the passage to the deck of the boat. She doesn’t see Heather as a foe, but a respected duel mate since she had made it this far in.
7: Kraken: Top right: She is holding the ship in place, taking her down is the only way to get across the ocean. Many of the crew members are wrapped up in her clutches and she seeks to do the same to Heather.
8: Captain: After the Alantic army was dealt with Heather talks to the captain to resume the voyage, but the captain suddenly starts to get corrupted. With no sign of Divinity around, there seems to be a new threat corrupting people. This fight was designed to only be a fight if you had defeated all the other Lovecraftian type bosses before hand.
‘R-18’, ‘ドット絵’, ‘触手’, ‘モンスター娘’, ‘感電’